Saturday, May 5, 2012

Headlines Say "Justice Department investigates handling of rape allegations in Montana"

The Article Says, " In December, the University of Montana initiated its own investigation after allegations of a female student.. "

Montana Investigative Blogger Crystal Cox says that the University of Montana does NOTHING to investigate Hate Crimes, and in fact pays people to harass, threaten and intimidate. All on the University of Montana Dime. I have been reporting Montana Rapes, Hate, Stalking Threats for years and have been Ignored.

Here is More.. 

"The mayor of a Montana college town Wednesday welcomed a federal investigation into allegations that sexual assault and rape complaints were improperly handled.

But John Engen, mayor since 2006, was also surprised when he was notified of the probe.

"This is uncharted territory for us," he told CNN.

The U.S. Justice Department announced Tuesday it was launching a probe into allegations that up to 80 complaints of sexual assault over three years were not investigated thoroughly because of gender bias. Of those, 11 cases involved students at the University of Montana -- at least two involving football players."

Here is the Article

Mayer John Engen was surprised??? Why?  The Rape Issue in Montana is Rampant, some Daddy Somewhere was bound to be connected high enough to get this thing taken care of.  The University of Montana does not Care about investigating allegations, nor does the Missoula Police. This is easily proven in an honest, unbiased investigation.

More at
The Blog of Michael Spreadbury and Crystal Cox, Montana Investigative Bloggers Exposing Montana Corruption and the Blind Eye of University of Montana President Royce Engstrom.

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